11th – 17th May, 2025

Sponsorship and Exhibition


Our exhibition area holds a limited number of 10 stands located at the conference room entrance hall, ensuring a great flow of delegates to move around. It will be open during the scheduled conference duration.

Stand space includes:
▪ 2×3 m basic scheme build
▪ 1 power socket and wifi connection
▪ Table and a maximum of 2 chairs
▪ Additional electrics and furniture under request with additional cost.

Stands will be allocated on a first-in, first-choice basis.
Please make sure to let us know the location of your preference when booking.


By sponsoring the XV ISGA, your organization could benefit from:

▪ Significant visibility of your organization and/or brand roducts and services at an international, national and local level within the aquaculture sector.

▪ Visibility at the conference website, which will be broadly disseminated and promoted.
▪ Promotion on conference elements such as banners, programme, flyers, speaker’s platform, interval projection screens, backdrops, etc., depending on the level of sponsorship chosen.
▪ Verbal acknowledgment by the symposium chairs at the opening and closing ceremonies or at the start of selected sessions.
▪ A forum to promote and deliver the benefits of genetics research in the sponsor organizations.
▪ An exhibition space with a limited number of stands located in a key position to maximize the exhibitors’ visibility.
▪ Handouts and other promotional items included in the delegate registration packs.
▪ Free delegate places.

Advantages apply during the whole 5-days conference


Platinum Sponsor

– Highest visibility, with logo and weblink prominently featured on XV ISGA website, printed flyers, symposium signage and promotional literature.
– Verbal acknowledgement by chairperson at the opening and closure ceremonies.
– Possibility of placing one full page advert in the conference book
– Inclusion of a full colour A4 leaflet/flyer AND one piece of other promotional material in delegate packs
– Entitled to three free registered delegates
– Standard stand for 5 days at the conference exhibition hall (with preference)

Price: 5.000€

Limited number available!

Gold Sponsor

– High visibility, with logo and weblink featured on ISGA XV website and your name in the programme and other promotional literature.
– Verbal acknowledgement by chairperson in the session of your choice, among those available when requested.
– Inclusion of a full colour A4 leaflet/flyer OR one piece of other promotional material in delegate packs
– Entitled to two free registered delegates
– Standard stand for 5 days at the conference exhibition hall.

Price: 3.000€

Limited number available!

Silver and
Exhibitor Sponsor

– Visibility of your name featured on ISGA XV website, programme and other promotional literature.
– Standard stand for 5 days at the conference exhibition hall.
– Entitled to two free delegates.

Price: 2.500€

Limited number available!

Silver Sponsor

– Visibility of your name featured on ISGA XV website, programme and other promotional literature.
– Entitled to one free delegate

Price: 1.500€

Only 15 available!​

Coffee-Break Sponsor

– Exclusive visibility during the selected coffee-break, with possibility of poster displays, leaflets/flyers/business cards placement in coffee tables, projection of a video/presentation in the coffee room.
– Entitled to one free delegate

Price: 2.000€

Limited number available!


– Standard stand for 5 days at the conference exhibition hall
– Entitled to two free delegates

Price: 1.500€

Only 10 available!

Social Sponsor

– High visibility at the scheduled social activities
– Entitled to two delegates

Price: 1.500/3.000€

Welcome drink

Gala Dinner Reception


1. To secure your sponsorship please send an email to conferences.ceimar@campuesdelmar.com.
2. Sponsorship payment is due in Euro. Deadline for payment 31th January 2025.
3. Multiple sponsors may be accepted into different tiers.
4. All costs associated with advertising, display materials,
printing, branded gifts, etc. are to be covered by the sponsor.


In the case of withdrawal of sponsorship, we appreciate that you let us know as soon as possible. Please be aware thatthe conference reserves the right to retain part or the whole payment received.

Cancellations before 28/02/2025 will be retained 50% of the booking payment). No refund will be made when cancellation happens after
that date.


Should you have any queries regarding the sponsorship packages available, please do not hesitate to contact us: